Resort Video + Photography | Buffalo Media Group | Drone Services

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Hope | Top Resort Photographer US

This past week Buffalo Media Group was in Kabetogama, Minnesota up near the U.S./Canadian border covering new material for the Kabetogama Lakes Resorts. This first part of the year has been one of epic proportion. The extensive and damaging flooding from spring thaw has affected almost every single resort and resort owner in some fashion. While some made it through relatively unscathed, other resorts were not as fortunate. They say it was the flood of the century and it can easily be seen why. Out of all the chaos, there has been hope all along. This group of seasoned resort owners have been through many trials in the past few years with the pandemic ranging to the flooding of 2022.

The media had brought to light all the damage done to the area but what media failed to do was offer any stories on the rebuilding process or the pride and character of the business owners. The vacationers who are traveling this summer are under the false representation that a lot of the resorts are closed for the season, which is the exact opposite. We set out to help sway those rumors and shed light on all the amazing experiences to be had this season at Kabetogama. Sure the docks are mostly all under water or needing repair or replacement but that’s not to say you can’t bring your boat up and go fishing. You just have to launch everyday. Well worth it for a fresh walleye dinner! The resort owners are more than happy to help and store your boats on the resort grounds. As far as fishing goes, honestly, it has been one of the very best in recent decades from what we hear from the local resort owners and fisherman. Aside from fishing there is plenty else to do and see. Wildlife is abundant as always and quality family time spent kayaking, canoeing, sitting around the bon-fire are always in good order. If you are lucky enough, just as we were this past week, you might even spot some northern lights. As you can see below, the skies put on quite a show for us!

So if you are thinking of planning your trip to Kabetogama, now is just as good of time as ever. The fishing is hot, the aurora and starry night skies are ever present, and the aroma of heavy pine and burnt marshmallows is a moveable feast for the senses!