Legacy | Professional Resort Photographer Montana

Buffalo Media Group was finally able to get around to processing some 8mm footage from Nine Quarter Circle Ranch from our shoot with them in August. If you have followed some of what we have been doing with them as of recent is taking vintage 16mm and cutting them into short videos. How this whole process got started for us shooting 8mm started back in 2020, when we purchased our first 8mm video camera. We neglected to bring it to the ranch in 2020, mostly because I had just recently purchased it and it was still yet untested. This however did strike up a conversation about shooting vintage film for nostalgic purposes. This in turn led to talks about the Kelsey Family video archives and all the footage they had on spools just sitting in a box in storage. It was upon our request that they have them taken to a film restoration service and have them transferred to digital format. Thankfully they did and subsequently I was allowed the amazing opportunity to edit and “re-introduce” the footage to the next generation. So, now everything coming full circle, I did in fact bring the 8mm this year and this is what we captured. Quite honestly, not too much has changed in the environment and the ranch since those videos you may have seen from the early 1960’s. That’s the beauty of this whole project. This video, in association with the previous one’s, is part of a lasting legacy that has been carefully managed and conserved for the next generation of guests and family. Let’s hope this same story can be told over and over again!

In the wise words of Ernest Hemingway...“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Ernest Hemingway

Hopefully I did with my last sentence.